Thursday 8 January 2015


Today I am writing my personal statement for the second time.
I'm currently studying English Language and French at Chester. It sounds pleasant, yeah. Chester is a lovely place, yeah. But it's not my thing.
I feel like I'm trapped in a tiny city doing something I hate. I mean most people feel like that when they're stuck in a dead-end job in Runcorn or somewhere. I should be having the time of my life and be interested and inspired but I'm not. So what am I doing? Running away.

In all honesty I don't actually see it as running away, I see it as changing something in your life that is not making you happy, in order to be happy. And I see nothing wrong with that. My parents think otherwise. I know life is complex but I think people make it a lot more complex than it actually is. If you don't like something- change it.

So I'm sat in my living room at my family home in Yorkshire on a chair so big I can sleep on, earphones in listening to "La Belle Mixtape - The Good Life", eating garlic bread and writing about myself. Pretty content. I find it hilarious how everyone hates writing personal statements. 47 lines isn't enough to write about myself. I love writing and I love talking about myself, I'm not going to deny it. It's cringy as Hell, but I love it.

JP x

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