Saturday 24 January 2015

Long distance relationships

So I'm 76 miles/ two hours away from the love of my life. We're both at uni so don't have much money to travel a lot. This means we don't get to see each other a great deal. Of course it is difficult- being away from your other half is sad, whether you're only a few hours away or on the other side of the world. But people do it. I'm going to look at both sides of having a long distance relationship.
I'll start with the cons, in no particular order.

  1. When nights are cold
    This will apply mainly to students. Student houses tend to be cold, mine is practically inhabitable. There's nothing better than cosying up to your loved one on a winter's night. Watching a film on the settee is so much nicer when you're in someone's arms all snug. So is lying in bed without freezing up, because two body heats are better than one. Waking up on a freezing cold morning always seems easier when you have someone to wake up to and have a morning cuddle with. Without this, it can make the winter so much more miserable.
  2. Personal jokes
    Without them, you can't enjoy your personal jokes, movie quotes, general stupid stuff. You can't run home and tell them something that happened that day which you know you would both sit and laugh about. You'd have to try and explain over the phone which really doesn't have the same effect. Which brings me on to my next point...
  3. Communication
    Communication is key. And if your communication skills are not on point...the relationship could prove to be difficult. You need to text, call, FaceTime, etc, a lot more than you would if you were in the same city. Because obviously you can't see each other so you have to make up  for it with the use of the kissing face emoji and having the "no, I love you more" conversation at the end of every phone call. Well maybe not exactly because we aren't eleven, but you get what I mean.
  4. Attention
    This is the biggest issue for me. I'm like a dog, I want attention allllll the time. I want to cuddle, be told I'm pretty, maybe a light slap on the bum while I'm making a cup of tea, that kind of thing. But obviously without my boyfriend, I can't have this, and it simply makes me sad. This kind of interlinks with number 3. If I don't get a text back I will think you hate speaking to me and are having a fabulous time without me. I AM NEEDY AND NEED ATTENTION OKAY.
  5. Sexual FrustrationOf course there is the most obvious con of all: no hanky panky. Sex is such an important thing for a couple. It connects two people and expresses their emotions for one another, yada yada yada...  It relieves stress, and feels frickin great. Being without sex for weeks or months can leave you feeling down, stressed and unloved. And when you don't have your parter to relieve that sexual frustration out on, it gets difficult. Yes we can get off alone, but it's just not the same. And I mean there is also sexting and whatnot but for me, that deserves a whole other paragraph.
  6. Long distance sexual communicationWhich basically to me translates as "Cringing Hell". Most people would probably disagree with this but for me, this is a nightmare. Sending photos posing in sexy lingerie is probably the easiest to deal with but I can never take serious photo. You can't really wap out the peace signs or do a duck pout when taking these kind of photos. You have to think you're sexy. No. I can't.
    Then there's phone sex which I just find peculiar. It would be off the cards for me anyway. If my housemates heard me I would never hear the end of it.
    Sexting. It has it's own blended word. I'm just waiting for the day that you can type that word and it is not standing on a little red line. How the hell does one sext??? What kind of words are appropriate? I've read snippets of 50 Shades of Grey and if I made my sexts to sound like that my boyfriend would laugh his head off.
    This may just be me being awkward and British, but with the length of the paragraph it seems to be a real issue.
  7. Support
    Without your other half you lack the support and encouragement you would normally have. Especially when you're having a bad day. They know you. And they know how to make you smile when you need it. I miss someone knowing that when I'm sad or ill, that is when I take sugar in my tea. It's important to have someone tell you "If Britney got through 2007, you can make it through today". I have my housemates, who are very supportive, but it really does make it easier having the one you love helping you along your way.
  8. Lonelyyyy, I'm Mr Lonelyyyy
    The general lonely feeling is just crap. This is really all of the points above combined.The shitty feeling of just knowing they aren't around is shitty.
However, there are things which make long distance not so bad after all.
  1. The wait
    The anticipation and excitement you get when you're counting down the days until you hop on the train or plane and finally get to see the love of your life. The butterflies in your belly filling you with nostalgia as it takes you back to your early teens. Imagining seeing their face at the station, running up to them and being entangled in each other's arms as if you are in a movie.
  2. When the wait is over
    Seeing each other for the first time in a while is amazing. You miss every single thing about them and when you see them you appreciate it so much more. Even their annoying habits don't annoy you because you've actually missed them.
  3. Touching
    Not the kind of touching you do on the back of a coach on a school trip...(I hope that's not just me) because I am leaving that for my next point. Just being able to cuddle into them, hold their hand, even stupid things like a little shove when they take the mick out of you. All of the little things you can't do over the phone, like finally being able to have a little slap of them when you're making a cup of tea.
  4. Touching
    Yes, now it's that kind of touching. But really it's more than that isn't it. After so long being that close and connected to the person you love is just so special. It means that much more. When you have been apart for so long it just can't wait and you can tell how much you've missed each other. Magical. There are no more words to describe it.
  5. Small gestures mean a lot
    Receiving a cute texts, or letter, or gift. It means so much when you're so far apart. A little random phone call telling you they love you and how much they miss you, it can make your week. It's the fact of how much you appreciate these things.
  6. You don't get fed up
    Normally, when you spend day in, day out with someone, you will eventually get a bit pissed off with them. But when you haven't seen your partner in so long, you can spend every waking moment with them for ages, without getting tired or annoyed with them. You don't even want to go to sleep because you want seriously want to spend every waking moment wit them.
  7. It makes you stronger
    If you can make it through a long distance relationship, there's probably not a lot you can't make it through. Being able to be apart from your loved one really tests your relationship, but when you realise you can actually do it and remain a strong unit, it is a brilliant feeling. It shows that if neither of you back out, run away because it's "too hard", you really do love each other and will not let distance stand in the way. If you're a team, you can do anything.
  8. It makes you really appreciate them
    When you visit each other, or once your relationship is no longer long distance, you really appreciate everything they do. Even the little things you would normally take for granted. I know that after being in along distance relationship, once uni is over, I will appreciate the things I couldn't have before, so much more.

    Aw, it's made me realise how in love I am so have some photos

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