Saturday 31 January 2015

Looking up

So glad I'll be finally going home at the weekend!
Moving back home from university is not something I ever anticipated really. But having the support from my family is going to be sooo much better for me. I'm not going to be hiding under my duvets watching The Walking Dead, not leaving my room until 4pm, eating pot noodles at 1am. As much as I enjoy that lifestyle in a way, it's going to be a lot more productive working and paying my way, and a lot better having my mother doing my laundry.
It's going to be so sad leaving my housemates though. Living with complete strangers is so strange because after one week of living with them you feel like you've known them for years. It's mad. They're my little uni family  and it's crazy to think I will pretty much never see them again!


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