Friday 9 January 2015


Today I feel really appreciative of my family.
Until I moved away to university, I never understood how much I need them and how much I miss them. Even if I still don't particularly show it now, I really do actually need them. Not for anything in particular, I can do my own laundry, cleaning, shopping and cooking. I just find comfort in knowing they're around. When I'm at uni I know that if something were to happen, if I were to get upset for any reason, the closest I can get is a patchy phone call (the signal at uni is horrendous), other than that it's a three hour train journey.

I'm going to be 20 this year and I never thought at this age I would enjoy being around my parents this much. I guess it changes doesn't it. When you're young you need them to survive, when you're a teenager you still need them to survive but don't necessarily enjoy being in their company, but then as you get older you really do appreciate them. It's nice.

JP x

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