Wednesday 15 April 2015


Okay so today I am in a really fucking foul mood and I know that after I've ranted anyone who sees this will pull out the starving kids in Africa card which pisses me off even more. "Why are you down? You have no reason to complain. You have food and roof over your head, that's more than a lot of people have". Yes okay but does that mean I should be ecstatic about not having a job because the one job in this city with no jobs I don't start until next month? Having no money so scrimping off my family? Being back home while all of my friends are at university? Having a shit load of money that needs paying off that I CAN'T PHYSICALLY PAY OFF BECAUSE I HAVE NO MONEY. I've also had to cancel my gym membership and they're trying to track me down for money. I'm 19.

So what really has triggered all this anger to evolve into a rant on here is the fact that my shitty iPhone (my mum pays the bill and she's cancelling that soon so don't use that against me) fell off my bed. The bed is a normal bed, like a foot and a half high maybe, I don't know. But my phone fell off the side of that and obviously because iPhones are so fucking shitty and fragile that the screen has completely broken. It hasn't just got a crack in it- it has gone black and green. So I can't even use it at all. And I need my phone, for getting in touch with my boss, and to call the bank to get a fucking overdraft. It's going to cost me £40-£50 to get it replaced. I don't know whether that seems a lot to anyone else, or whether it seems cheap for an iPhone screen replacement but I don't have that fucking money.

I just hate how my friends are driving around in their new cars their parents have bought for them, getting given money from their parents, have good part time jobs because of who they know. I've never had any of that. The last time I went on holiday with my parents was six years ago. You think my family can afford to help me out? "Oh why don't you take your driving lessons Jodie?" BECAUSE I CAN'T AFFORD IT, MY MUM CAN'T AFFORD IT AND MY DAD CANT FUCKING AFFORD IT. It's one of my best friends' birthdays soon and I can't afford that either. I need to get her a gift AND go on a night out because she's coming home from uni especially to go out for her birthday. Oh my God and I just remembered my mum is making me go halves with her for my new bed and matress because I'm currently sleeping on a cheapo bed that I've had six years.

I hate everything.

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