Thursday 16 April 2015

Going purple

In this day and age I'm a bit of an anomaly, I've never properly dyed my hair. I dip-dyed the ends aqua/teal when I was 16 but that's it. I've been thinking about dying my hair for a while but I'm the most indecisive person in the world and haven't been able to decide on a colour. That's  also why I've never gotten a tattoo.

BUT I've decided to go from dark brown to...

So I'll be going blonde then having lilac toner put on. The hairdresser said I can do it in two sittings but that means I'll have to walk around blonde, in which case I'd look like a fucking idiot because I'm really dark haired and have a dark skin tone. So, I'm having it done in one sitting which means 5 hours in the salon woo. But at least I won't be going around looking like a drag act.

I'll be getting it done some time next month. I'm just hoping I'll be allowed it for work. I'm only a waitress so surely it wouldn't be a problem.


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