Monday 30 March 2015

Lush Job Update

Sad news! I didn't get the job!
I was up against a lot of people, some who were a lot more theatrical (drama students obviously), so I wasn't that surprised when I didn't get it.

The manager was so lovely about it though, she called to let me know and to give me some feedback. She said that I was great in the interview but on the shop floor I wasn't interacting with customers enough. This kind of surprised me because I spoke to every single customer that came in the store, some more than once, having a laugh with them and what not but apparently I need to be more full on. I know they're really enthusiastic in Lush but I was surprised that they wanted me to be more full on than I was already being as I hadn't had proper training. I mean I did some demos and made some sales within my half hour trial but I guess if I wasn't right for the position I can't really complain

I wouldn't enjoy the job if I had to act any more of a twat jumping and dancing in people's faces who really don't appreciate it, you know what I mean. I would've enjoyed it if I got the job and didn't have to be even more full on. I know that's Lush's thing and I don't really mind it when I'm shopping in there but when I'm being observed by staff going in people's faces who clearly are not enjoying it it's very different.

Not getting this job means I don't get 50% discount :( but it also means I can get more hours at my other job. So no real loss really.

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