Wednesday 25 March 2015

My Lush group interview

So I've just got in from my Lush group interview. I had a look on a few people's blogs to see how they generally go, none of them were exactly the same but I knew what to roughly expect. But I'll tell you how mine went.

I'll start at the beginning. I was out shopping in my local Lush store and saw they had a vacancy posted in the window and behind the till asking for a CV/résumé and cover letter. I chatted to the girl about the position for a bit then went home, spruced up my CV and wrote a cover letter and sent it off.

On the closing date for applications (Monday) I received a call saying I was invited to a group interview on the Thursday. I was told to bring my passport or birth certificate and my favourite thing. "Thing" is a bit of a general word I thought, so it's my chance to pick something fun. The girl who phoned specified it didn't have to be a Lush product, which I wouldn't have picked anyway, don't want to kiss arse too much.

I didn't ask the dress code but I thought, I know group interviews and I know Lush, so I wore a burn orange short sleeved collared blouse with white polka dots, a dark blue jumper over the top and a black skirt and tights. I was a bit dubious about make up but I went with it wore red lipstick anyway💁.

So I went to my interview, 6pm. There were a few of us waiting outside the store and there was already a group of about 10 in there for a previous session. There were about 10 of us (two boys, the rest girls) and we were told that there was another group of the same size after us. We got in, told our name, availability and had a photo taken. There were a lot of drama students I could tell and everyone was quite quirky and out there which I was expecting. 

We had a little talk from the manager, who was lovely, telling us about the company and the position etc then came the bit about us. We were shown a demonstration of a bubble bar then we had a few minutes to pick one of our own and demo it in front of everyone. I hadn't picked one by the time they aller us back so I grabbed one, had a quick look in the magazine and just blagged my way through. I picked one of the macaroon bubble bars. I felt like I spoke for longer than everyone else but I focussed a lot on the ingredients and the way it felt. I did feel a bit nervous as everyone was looking at me but I went with it and thought I did an okay job.

Next we had to stand in a circle and present our "favourite thing". Everyone's was pretty normal, lucky paintbrushes, teddies, photos. Mine was this...

The elfy clogg slippers I bought from Amsterdam. I said they represent the fact I love to travel, and they're cute and fun. I made a joke that I'm not materialistic so these would be what I'd save in a fire. They seemed to like that. It wasn't very deep or personal so I thought that might have not been as good as the rest.

So it was time to leave and they said they'd only ring if we were successful. They'd ring offering a trial shift and a small interview, but I wasn't expecting a call as I thought there were stronger candidates. But as I was writing this, post I got a phone call OFFERING ME A TRIAL ON FRIDAY!

I couldn't believe it they rang me like straight after the final interviews! So I have my 30 minute shop floor trial on Friday and a 15 minute interview, I'll post on Friday how I get on!

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