Sunday 8 March 2015

9 Problems of Being a Naturally Lazy Person

There is no denying that I am naturally lazy. I love chilling out, watching Netflix, doing nothing. Once I am comfy nothing is going to change that, I will not move. I've come to terms with the fact I'm lazy and I don't mind, it's who I am. But obviously the word lazy gives negative connotations and it's not difficult to understand that being lazy is not one of the greater things in life. So here are some problems I've found that naturally lazy people will probably understand, if they bother reading any further than this paragraph.

 1. People thinking you’re unhygienic
Just because I like to lie in bed it doesn't mean I don’t get a shower, OK? I do shower, but I will procrastinate for a few hours. Then slob back on the sofa so it still looks as though I haven't showered. But I have, even smell my pits.
2. Having to set 29 alarms in the morning
Each of which are 5 minutes apart from the previous, because it’s just so easy to wake up, turn your alarm off and drift back into a blissful sleep. 
3. Having to lie in bed scrolling through the latest news on Twitter for half an hour before beginning to contemplate getting out of bed
For us bed lovers, getting straight up as soon as you wake up or as soon as your alarm goes off is not even a conceivable idea. I need to allow my brain to wake up before I actually try functioning. So I will set my final alarm to half an hour before I really need to get up so I can ease myself into the day.
4. Being called lazy
You know you’re lazy. You have accepted you’re lazy. But when someone else calls you it, it’s just plain hurtful.
5. Getting comfy on a bus/train journey
When you’ve just become remotely warm and comfy on public transport, chilled out, earphones in...then oh shit it's my stop next. The sudden realisation you're going to have to get off the bus or train into the freezing cold is a momentous moment of heartbreak for me as a lazy person.
6. Having so many intentions but being restricted by your naturally lazy personality
For example, planning on going for a Sunday morning jog, waking up, remembering it’s Sunday and falling back to sleep. I am so motivated before I fall to sleep, I'll make a list of all the important, constructive tasks I will do the next day. But after a few hours sleep all motivation has been lost and I can't even bring myself to look at the list and thinking about doing anything.
7. Always running lateI never leave myself enough time to get ready, especially on nights out. I’ll be chilling for ages, being so relaxed that I can never be bothered to get up and get a shower just yet, so ending up racing out the door 15 minutes late blowing my freshly painted nails because I NEVER LEAVE MYSELF ENOUGH FUCKING TIME BECAUSE I AM LAZY PIECE OF SHIT AND I WOULD HAVE LOOKED BETTER IF I STOPPED WATCHING THAT CRAPPY SOAP AND STARTED GETTING READY HALF AN HOUR EARLIER.
8. The bursts of self loathing you get for being so lazy
See #7
9. The choice between food and not moving
One of the world's major issues: food or my bed. I'm in bed watching Netflix, it's dinner time and I'm starving but I'm so comfy and warm, what do I do? So I have the mental debate with myself that goes something like this: Will the food be worth moving and going downstairs? When I get back I probably won't get comfy again. But Food. No I'll get food I'm hungry. After this episode. Maybe I'll just wait until someone offers me some.

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