Thursday 22 October 2015

I can't live without my iPhone

"I can't live without my iPhone". The phrase that people are too afraid to say because they get so much stick for it. I can't live without my iPhone and I'm not afraid to admit it.

The majority of people from my parents' generation or older just don't get this obsession with technology: they even frown upon it. I'll tell you oldies why: it has always been there. We've grown up with the ability to find any bizarre nugget of information out with a click of a finger, get a message to someone instantaneously, press a button and get something shipped to your home. We've never been without it, so obviously we're going to be reliant on it.

We're not going to refrain from using technology just because you old folks did it a much more complex way back in your day. "Back in my day we'd have to go to the library and pull out an encyclopaedia to find out that information", "we had to meet up face to face or use the telephone and actually speak to each other". Alright nice one, give yourself a pat on the back. I'm sure if they had the opportunity to be able to Google or FaceTime someone, they definitely wouldn't say no. 

And as for the whole "it makes you young 'uns antisocial" thing, if, as a child, my grandfather had an X-Box One put in front of him with these amazing games and graphics, he definitely wouldn't turn that down for a hoop and a stick or whatever they played with. If anything, technology makes us more sociable. My parents have moaned at me for being constantly on my phone and being 'unsociable'. But I wasn't, I was socialising with my friends. Sorry I don't care about your documentary about steam trains.

As a self-confessed iPhone addict, I want to emphasise the point that I am not materialistic. I don't just love it because it cost (my mum) a shit tonne of money. I love the fact I can do pretty much anything on it. I don't wear designer clothes, I don't give a shit if my bag cost less than someone else's, I am simply addicted to my phone cause it got mad skillz bruh. 

Of course there are those little spoilt 13 year olds who will cry as soon as a new iPhone comes out because there's isn't the newest. Even though the only thing they use it for is to post shockingly inappropriate selfies and post "like and I'll say who's pretty" statuses on Facebook. But I'm excluding those little shits from all this. I also need to get rid of the 13 year olds off my Facebook really...

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Unbelievably settled in

Now the first few weeks are done I am feeling so much more confident and happy here in Leeds. In fact, I absolutely fucking love it! And I feel like I am actually sleeping in my own bed now!

I have been SO busy but I have SO many things I need to write about so I will get to it next week!

I'm in a catch 22 here because I love writing, but when I'm happy I tend to write less because I'm out being a happy little nutcase, but when I seem to write more I'm not as happy.