Sunday 27 September 2015

1.5 weeks living away

I've been moved into my university accommodation for about a week and a half and here is how I am getting on.

I wasn't actually living at home before I moved to Leeds for uni. I was pretty much living with my boyfriend, Josh, at his parents house. I had all of my clothes and make up there. I even had a toothbrush, a razor and tampons there. That definitely means I made it- tampons! I saw my mum and dad now and then but I was almost 20, I didn't feel the need to see them everyday. Therefore I'm not homesick nor do I miss my parents that much. The one thing that I cannot cope with is not seeing Josh. I'm Joshsick. The worst thing is I have been with him the majority of this week. He lives in Sheffield for uni, which is about an hour away, so I've been to his twice and he's been to mine. And I miss him already.  When I first moved away to Chester, me and Josh were nowhere near as close as we are now. I missed my parents probably more than I did him. But now I feel pathetic. I want to be a strong independent young woman who can stand on her own two feet yet somehow I cannot bear to not be around him.

The fact I have no parents around doesn't concern me as I wasn't really living at home before I moved. I know how to take care of myself. I've avoided doing any laundry thus far- I know it hasn't been long but I seem to have gone through a lot of pants. I also appear to have forgotten all of my socks. So I'm probably going to just have to buy new ones instead of washing because the cost to use the washing machine and dryer is complete extortion. Really, a joke.

Fresher's week is obviously a time to get absolutely trollied with a load of strangers while finding out how much of a slut your flatmate is in "Never Have I Ever...". So obviously I have done that. Last night I managed to stumble into bed, get halfway through the process of setting my alarm and then fall fast asleep. I woke up this morning ten minutes after the ID check enrolment drop in session had FINISHED. Fab start really. But my alarm is now set for tomorrow and I'm ready.

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