Sunday 15 February 2015

My father the pessimist

I don't know whether I have the right frame of mind or whether I am ridiculously stupid.

The thing is, I know I need to start being sensible with my money and taking a hold of my responsibilities but I also feel that life is too short, as horrendously cliché as that is. But seriously, life really is too short to not go crazy and do ridiculous things. I don't want my parents to make me feel guilty for wanting to make the most out of my life and my youth.

My dad is such a pessimist. He says those typical dad things like "I have to do things every day that I don't like but we have to get on with it" when I complain about something I have to do. That's fair enough, we do have to do those things but when he starts saying "life isn't about being happy it's about dealing with it". What is the point in life if we all just "deal with it"? There are many people in this world who aren't as fortunate: suffering with diseases; being tortured; being impoverished; having their lives cut short. Need I go on? And people like me only live to "deal with it"? No Dad, we don't. You might, but I don't. So I'm going to blow my money on brilliant experiences and memories and scrape by for a while, whilst you are "dealing" with being a healthy person in a well off country.

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