Wednesday 18 February 2015


So I've just got back from Amsterdam!
I haven't been to that many countries but I can easily say that Amsterdam is the cutest place I have ever been.
The only downside was that most of the trip was spent on the ferry because it was the Dutch Dash from Hull to Rotterdam.

Amsterdam canals.

The first thing we did when we got there was have a Mcdonalds. Soaking up the culture straight away. But then we went to the Sexmuseum. The first thing we see as we walk in is a mannequin dressed in gimp attire. We then take about three steps forward to see moving statues of a woman giving a man a handjob accompanied by the sound of sexual moans. Upstairs was home to a load of historical things such as old plates with drawings of acts of fellatio and sodomy on them. And there was also two giant penis chairs, which were a lot taller than me, sat in a room where porn is just playing on a telly in the corner. The only thing I managed to get a photo of was this cheeky robotic man who every so often would give you a flash.

While there were people looking really serious and intrigued as if they were learning about the history of their nation, I found it particularly awkward trying to make sure I didn't look too amused or too disturbed.
Overall from this museum the main thing I did learn is that female genital shaving/waxing did not used to be very popular. At all.

Although I find giant dicks funny, I can also appreciate the architecture.

We went on to search for the Red Light District for 75 hours, which did end up finding. You've got to hand it to the women in those windows, they are gorgeous, they look airbrushed! On the way we popped into a sex shop which was nothing after seeing the giant dicks in the sexmuseum but when you realise that some of these rubber willies the size of my entire arm are actual used for sexual pleasure it is a bit freaky.

Some of the locks on the canal bridge.

After we had a look at the ladies in lingerie and the old men loitering around, deciding which one it will be today, we had a chill in the Bulldog coffee shop. Which is one of the best, chilled out places I have ever been. 10/10 would recommend.

The Bulldog coffeeshop, Amsterdam.

Of course after soaking up the rest of the culture, such as the million bikes and the cute locks of people who probably hate each other now on the bridges, I of course had to buy a tacky souvenir. But behold, this isn't a shitty ashtray or a fridge is SLIPPERS SHAPED LIKE CLOGGS. 

They are the best things I have ever placed on my feet and I consider this a fabulous investment.

The roads were scary though. It's as though they have no rules. Everyone speeds around the street, trams and bikes everywhere, while mindless tourists meander in the way of everything. Once I get over the fear of being mowed down, I would love to ride around the streets of Amsterdam on a bike.

Neon bicycle by the canal (as if dinging your bell repeatedly isn't going to get you noticed).

To conclude, Amsterdam is my new favourite place and I will be going back there as soon as it is humanly possible. 

Sunday 15 February 2015

My father the pessimist

I don't know whether I have the right frame of mind or whether I am ridiculously stupid.

The thing is, I know I need to start being sensible with my money and taking a hold of my responsibilities but I also feel that life is too short, as horrendously cliché as that is. But seriously, life really is too short to not go crazy and do ridiculous things. I don't want my parents to make me feel guilty for wanting to make the most out of my life and my youth.

My dad is such a pessimist. He says those typical dad things like "I have to do things every day that I don't like but we have to get on with it" when I complain about something I have to do. That's fair enough, we do have to do those things but when he starts saying "life isn't about being happy it's about dealing with it". What is the point in life if we all just "deal with it"? There are many people in this world who aren't as fortunate: suffering with diseases; being tortured; being impoverished; having their lives cut short. Need I go on? And people like me only live to "deal with it"? No Dad, we don't. You might, but I don't. So I'm going to blow my money on brilliant experiences and memories and scrape by for a while, whilst you are "dealing" with being a healthy person in a well off country.

Sunday 8 February 2015

Girls' Holidays

So, I went on my first girls' Holiday last year.

I was 18, just finished my A-Levels and ready to blow off a lot of French and Philosophy induced steam. The best way to do that? Go and get stupidly inebriated off all-inclusive bars for a week.
The destination of choice: Magaluf, the home of the very imaginative chants of some pattern of the words "Maga" and "Shagger" in the tune of "No Limit" by 2 Unlimited, and, my favourite, "Maga, Maga, Maga fuckin luf".

We've all seen the documentaries: Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents; Sun, Sea and A&E; that ridiculous one by Stacey Dooley where she slates of every aspect of Magaluf. God that annoyed me, the hour long documentary trying to persuade parents to try and stop their (adult) children from going on these holidays by throwing around statistics about rape, theft and injury and inspecting what spirits are in cocktails with names such as the "Headfucker".

Stacey Dooley being miserable while everyone else has a fab time [BBC]

Even with this horribly dangerous reputation being thrown around TV recently, it certainly does not stop us teens going, getting silly and loving every minute of it. It definitely did not put me off, and I didn't even think one of these cheap dirty holidays would be for me. I tend to hate drunken nob heads who drink so much they vomit uncontrollably, but it turns out, I am one. I also hate when I see skinny lads walking around with their shirts of looking like complete tits, they were all over and I didn't even care. Everything I hate could be here but because I have no commitments, complete freedom, my best friends, sunshine and whole lot of alcohol I would not care at all.

The holiday started when we were on the way down to the airport with out stupid "Maga 14" crop tops on with our nicknames on the back (mine was 'the gobby one' even though I lost my voice to the dreaded 'Ruskinoff cough and couldn't talk...I'll explain more about that one soon). The anticipation of what the week would bring, being away without our parents for the first time and the relief of having no more sixth form all rolled together and turned us into a gaggle of babbling, high pitched twats. And I am not ashamed one bit. Getting off the plane and feeling a massive waft of heat overcome your entire body is one of the best things about being on holiday, the novelty slightly wore off when we were looking for our transfer coach for about sixty five and a half years, but our adrenaline was so high it hardly mattered.

Sporting my compulsory (although pretty embarrassing) holiday top

The Accommodation
Some of the hotels in Magaluf do look absolutely revolting. But it's one of those holidays and you get what you pay for so it's no surprise some of the hotels looked as though you could catch something just by walking in. As our coach was buzzing around the tiny little streets of the quainter, nicer parts of Mallorca, some parts of which we must have passed 12 times going back and forth from one hotel to the next, we would go past some very dodgy looking places that you could tell were miles away from anything and we were hoping we weren't due to get off any time soon. After giving each other countless looks of terror when we'd slow down and pull up to grotty hotels, we were finally called to get off. Our hotel was gorgeous in comparison to the others, thank God! Our holiday company messed up (what did we expect from low cost holidays) and our hotels ended up getting cancelled twice. To be fair I can't slag off the company any more, they upgraded us twice to a hotel we'd have never be able to afford, and  they did so for no extra we were the lucky ones.
We were staying at the Fergus Pax which was lovely. It was secure, the staff were great and it had a sister hotel next door which we could use and it gave us the chance to meet more people. No complaints.

The view from my balcony at the Fergus Pax Hotel

Hmm...all-inclusive. Just hearing those words make my liver ache. But oh my God it was fabulous...being able to drink pina coladas and "Love On The Beach"es (a much nicer version of Sex On The Beach which my friend innocently called "Love Is In The Air" the entire time) as soon as we got there until we were about to leave. It was bliss. I love alcohol. And I love it when I don't have to prepare it myself and there's an unlimited supply. The all-inclusive meant we'd have to get up for breakfast which was good because we wouldn't mong out in our rooms all day, although most days I did go for breakfast then go back to bed for a few hours. I love sleep too. Although unlimited cocktails around the pool and all you can eat for a week is easy and convenient, it did make me a massive fatty and it meant we didn't leave the hotel a great deal during the day.

My favourite food from the hotel, coconut balls and ice cream

During the day
On these kinds of holidays the days are pretty much just for sunbathing and recovering from last night's binge to prepare yourself for the messy night ahead. I only really had two main days out: the water park and the boat party. The water park was the only time I was relatively sober and it was pretty refreshing and surprisingly nobody threw up down the water slides. And the boat party was amazing. Apart from the fact I was one of the only girls drinking beer and every time I'd go to the bar the barman would say "Sangria's at the other side babe". Like fuck off you sexist twat, give me a beer and don't call me babe. But, I would say if you go on one of these holidays you HAVE to do a boat party. Even the sex games where hilarious. I mean they wouldn't have been funny if I got groped...but I avoided it so watching my friend get dry humped by a chubby virgin was priceless.

How I ended up after the boat party, I have no idea where the peach came from.

The night
Everything about the night. You go on these holidays solely for the night. And Magaluf's nightlife is great. BCM square has fun quirky bars (which we should have experienced more of), BCM club is brilliant especially when there's an event with a free bar, the MCP five club free bar thing- ace. Everything is just so good. Walking down the strip there is such a buzzing atmosphere, you can go to any bar and sit outside and have such a great time. The lucky lucky men who sell you absolute tat are hilarious, not stopping at anything to make you buy a flashing ring or fake Ray Bans and calling you "chicken nugget" as you walked past. I initially thought that was a cute term of endearment until I realised it meant "cheap white meat". It's a good job I'm not a raging feminist. I got a nice pair of "Ray Bons" for five euros for my dad off one of them anyway. Basically the nightlife is just ace and there's no other way of describing it. Apart  from messy.  I ended up throwing up a load of watermelon and rice all over the open front of a takeaway while being shooed off by the owner with a sweeping  brush and being chatted up by some really desperate boy. Yeah I don't get it either. A mixture of melon and rice projecting out of my nose and he still wanted to follow me down the strip.

                A nice wig from the lucky lucky man and a crap shot of BCM square.

The people
Everyone is on the same wavelength. Everyone is after getting pissed and having a good time so there's never anyone you don't get along with. Holidays are a time when you can go straight up to randomers when you're half naked and start having straight up banter.

Me and my
best friends
dressed as
cavegirls.                 One of the
                                guys we met
                                who had a


 What may seem like a sausage fest is the group
of lads from Sheffield we met, which clearly
we had to become best mates with because we're
both from Yorkshire.

This is just another group of foreign people we
met at the sister hotel. Which was fun because when certain things in the famous drinking game "Never Have I Ever" get lost in translation it can be pretty hilarious.

I also met Scarlett from Gogglebox... Yes we are best friends now.

I have probably missed SO much out but I have gone on for long enough about my love for Magaluf. Yes it is dirty, yes it is trashy, yes people vomit all over the place, but it is the best time. I would advise everyone to do one of these holidays at least once. I loved it that much I'm going ever dirtier and even trashier in August and going to get destroyed by Kavos.

As a nice final summary of is a picture of a guy throwing up.

Home Sweet Home

So finally, I am home!
I've officially moved out and back to sunny Hull and I cannot even describe how good it feels.

Since I've got home everything is looking up for me. I have all of my uni offers for September, I have a job, I have my family around me, I have no distractions so I can be determined to get some attempt of a beach body for my holiday to Kavos in August with some of my favourite people!
The fact I'm going to Amsterdam in a week is also making me feel fantastic!

And a Subway has opened two minutes from my house. How could life possibly be better? That's right it couldn't.

I'm happy, ciao
JP x